Lok Sabha discussed the Supplementary Demands for Grants. The government sought the approval of Parliament for an additional expenditure of about Rs 19,000 crore through the supplementary budget last week.
During discussion, several Members spoke about slowing economic growth, high unemployment rate and low household consumption. Some questioned the target of becoming a $5 trillion economy. Emphasizing that the focus should be on boosting consumer demand, Members asked the government to come up with a package of measures to revive the economy.
Rajya Sabha took up the National Capital Territory of Delhi (Recognition of Property Rights of Residents in Unauthorised Colonies) Bill, 2019 for discussion and passing. The Bill provides for recognising the property rights of residents of certain unauthorised colonies in the National Capital Territory of Delhi. The House voted and the Bill was passed.
Earlier in the day, a question was raised on the status of the anti-lynching bills introduced in Rajasthan and Manipur which are awaiting the President’s Assent. Minister of State for Home Affairs responded that a consultation on the Bills is in progress.
A question was also raised on whether the government would consider amending the IPC (Indian Penal Code) to include special provisions for anti-lynching. The Home Minister said that a Committee has been formed under the Bureau of Police Research and Development (BPR&D) which is reviewing the CrPC and IPC broadly. When the Ministry will consider making changes to the CrPC and IPC based on the report, they would also consider the Supreme Court’s recommendations on mob lynching.