Parliament met for the 7th sitting of the Winter Session today. Rajya Sabha was unable to conduct any legislative business today as it saw continuous adjournments due to protests by Opposition Parties over remarks made by a Minister.
In Lok Sabha, the School of Planning and Architecture Bill, 2014 was introduced. The Bill declares Schools of Planning and Architecture as institutions of national importance. The government has stated that this is in order to promote education and research in architectural studies including planning of human settlements.
Members of Parliament in Lok Sabha discussed natural calamities in various parts of the country with special reference to rains and floods in Jammu and Kashmir, cyclone Hudhud in Andhra Pradesh and Odisha and the drought in Maharashtra. The notice for this discussion was given by MPs Kalikesh Singh Deo and Bhartruhari Mahtab. The discussion will continue tomorrow.
Lok Sabha then undertook for consideration and passing the Merchant Shipping (Amendment) Bill, 2013 and the Merchant Shipping (Second Amendment) Bill, 2013. These Bills were passed by Rajya Sabah yesterday. At the time of sending this diary, the discussion on these Bills was ongoing.