Parliament met for the 6th sitting of the Winter Session today.
Lok Sabha undertook for consideration and passing the Textile Undertakings (Nationalisation) Laws (Amendment and Validation) Bill, 2014. The discussion on the Bill was ongoing at the time of sending this diary. The Bill replaces an Ordinance promulgated by the government in October.
Rajya Sabha passed the Merchant Shipping (Amendment) Bill, 2013 and the Merchant Shipping (Second Amendment) Bill, 2013.
The first Merchant Shipping Amendment Bill seeks to add new provisions to the Merchant Shipping Act, 1958 to comply with the International Convention for the Control of Harmful Anti-Fouling Systems on Ships, 2001. The Convention is aimed at protecting the marine environment and human health from adverse effects of anti-fouling paints used to coat the ships’ surfaces.
The second Merchant Shipping Amendment Bill proposes to amend the Merchant Shipping Act, 1958, to bring it in conformity with the International Labour Organisation’s Maritime Labour Convention, 2006. The Convention lays down the standards for the living and working conditions of seafarers, including their food, accommodation, medical care, social security, and recruitment.
Rajya Sabha also undertook for consideration The Indian Institutes of Information Technology Bill, 2014. This Bill was passed by Lok Sabha last week. The discussion on the Bill was ongoing at the time of sending this diary.
The Standing Committee on External Affairs presented their report on The Constitution (One Hundred and Nineteenth Amendment) Bill, 2013. The Bill amends the First Schedule of the Constitution to give effect to an agreement entered into by India and Bangladesh on the acquiring and transfer of territories between the two countries on May 16, 1974. The First Schedule of the Constitution defines the area of each state and union territory which together constitute India.