Private member business was taken up in both houses.
Lok Sabha passed the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education (Amendment) Bill. The Bill amends the Act of 2009 by extending the deadline for teachers to acquire the prescribed minimum qualifications for appointment.
During the debate, members raised several concerns regarding teacher training and broader issues related to the education sector. Members speaking in the debate emphasised that curriculum, methodology and training of teachers at all levels; primary, secondary and higher education must be focussed upon. The need for allocating funds for this along with close monitoring of teacher training was highlighted by members.
New Video: The Banking Regulation (Amendment) Ordinance has been laid in Parliament and is likely to be taken up next week. The Ordinance amends the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 to insert provisions for recovery of outstanding loans. Under these provisions, the central government may authorise the Reserve Bank of India to direct banks to initiate recovery proceedings against loan defaulters. Our video highlighting the key features of the bill and its related issues can be seen here.