Lok Sabha today passed the Indian Institutes of Information Technology (Public-Private Partnership) Bill, 2017. The Bill declares 15 existing Indian Institutes of Information Technology established through public-private partnership as institutions of national importance. It specifies the nature of partnership between industrial partners, state and central governments.
During the discussion, members raised several related concerns about efforts required by the academia and industry to match demand and supply, need to increase placements, availability of faculty, among other things.
The lower house also took up discussion on the agrarian crisis. Participating in the debate, members urged that the Swaminathan Report be implemented and steps be taken for reducing farmer distress by providing financial assistance.
In Rajya Sabha discussion on the reported increase in the incidents of lynching and atrocities on minorities and dalits was undertaken. During the discussion, members pointed out that the incidents should not be seen only as religious or caste based incidents, and urged the Prime Minister to call upon Chief Ministers to take strict action.
Lok Sabha was sitting at the time of sending this report.