Minister of Home Affairs made a statement in both houses with regard to the terrorist
attacks in Udhampur yesterday. The
Minister stated that interrogation of the captured terrorist is ongoing and
indicated the possibility of revealing more details about the attack in due
course. He condemned the repeated attacks from across the border.
Lok Sabha, the Minister of External Affairs made a statement in relation to the allegations made against her
regarding Lalit Modi’s travel documents.
The Minister informed members of the house that she neither requested nor
recommended the British government to issue travel documents to him.
Repealing and Amending (fourth) Bill was passed by Lok Sabha. The Bill seeks to repeal 295 laws. This includes the
repeal of 293 laws and minor amendments to two laws. According to the Statement
of Objects and Reasons of the Bill, this is to update the statute books by
repealing obsolete and redundant laws.
Negotiable Instruments (Amendment) Bill was also passed by the lower house. The
Bill replacing an ordinance specifies the appropriate area of jurisdiction of
the courts with regard to cases of cheque bouncing.
Sabha continued discussion on Sustainable Development Goals. The debate had not
concluded at the time of sending this report.