The Monsoon Session of the Parliament began today. Both Houses will be in session till 10th of August, 2018 with a total number of 18 sittings. With an agenda that includes 68 pending Bills in Parliament, both houses introduced and saw discussion on various Bills.
The Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education (Second Amendment) Bill, 2017 was discussed extensively in Lok Sabha today. The Bill amends the RTE Act, 2009 to include the provision of holding examinations at the end of class 5th and class 8th.
Today’s debate included a discussion on merits and demerits of the No-Detention Policy.
One argument put forth was that enforcement of the No-Detention policy has increased enrolment rates at the primary level and decreased dropout rates.
However, several members raised the decreasing level of learning outcomes as a consequence of the No-Detention Policy.
The Rajya Sabha discussed and passed The State Banks (Repeal and Amendment) Bill, 2017. More information on this Bill can be found here: http://beta.prsindia.org/node/530066/chapters-at-a-glancehttp://www.prsindia.org/uploads/media/State%20Bank/Bill%20Summary-%20SBI%20Repeal%20and%20Amendment.pdf
Additionally, The Armed Forces Tribunal (Amendment) Bill, 2012 was withdrawn from the Upper House.
The Speaker of the Lok Sabha admitted a no-confidence motion against the Government. 20th of July has been fixed as the date of discussion on this motion.
*Note: The Parliament was still in session at the time of sending this report.