Parliament met for the 14th sitting of the Budget Session today.
In Lok Sabha today a motion was raised by Members to call the attention
of the Minister of External Affairs on the situation arising out of
Indians stranded in Iraq and steps taken by the Government in this
regard. Lok Sabha then discussed the Finance Bill.
Rajya Sabha further discussed the General Budget.
In this Session, Lok Sabha has spent 28.5 hours discussing the General Budget and 13.3 hours discussing the Railway Budget.
In the last decade, the most time spent on discussing the Budget in Lok
Sabha was in 2009, when 50.2 hours were spent discussing the General
Budget and 19.1 hours were spent discussing the Railway Budget.
Below is a comparison of time spent by Lok Sabha discussing the Budget since 2000:
Note: Time spent discussing the General Budget does not include time spent discussing the Finance Bill.