Amidst several adjournments, the Committee examining the Personal Data Protection Bill, 2019 was granted further extension for submission of its report in the Lok Sabha. The report is now expected to be tabled in the first week of the 2021 Winter Session. Mr. PP Chaudhary was also appointed as its Chairperson last evening. The seat had fallen vacant after the appointment of the previous Chairperson to the Cabinet this month.
Private Member's Business was scheduled in the Lok Sabha for 3.30 PM. However, the House adjourned for the day before private bills could be introduced. More than 200 Private Members' Bills were listed for introduction today. These included bills on population control and a bill to regulate Indian intelligence agencies.
Separately, to a Parliamentary Question, the government said that it does not plan to bring in a two-child policy.
Rajya Sabha did not take up any legislative business due to disruptions.
Numbers to Note |
₹9,725 crore
The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare informed Lok Sabha today that a total of ₹9,725.15 crore have been spent so far on the COVID-19 vaccination program including procurement of vaccines and operational cost for vaccination. |