The Right to Information (Amendment) Bill, 2019 was passed in Rajya Sabha today. The Bill was passed in Lok Sabha earlier this week. The Bill changes the terms and conditions of service of the Chief Information Commissioner (CIC) and Information Commissioners at the Centre and in states. To understand how this Bill amends the RTI Act, 2005, you can read a short explainer here.
During the debate on the Bill, several members recommended that the Bill to a Select Committee of Rajya Sabha for further scrutiny. A member moved a motion in the House on this suggestion. Recorded voting took place on this motion with 117 members voting against sending the Bill to a Select Committee. 75 members voted for it to be sent to a Committee for further scrutiny. This motion was negated.
The Muslim Women (Protection of Rights on Marriage) Bill, 2019 was discussed and passed in Lok Sabha today. The Bill replaces an Ordinance that was promulgated earlier this year. The Bill makes all declaration of talaq, including in written or electronic form, to be void (i.e. not enforceable in law) and illegal. It makes the declaration of talaq a cognizable offence, attracting up to three years’ imprisonment with a fine. (A cognizable offence is one for which a police officer may arrest an accused person without warrant.)
While voting on the Bill, recorded voting took place for several clauses in the Bill.
Three new Bills were introduced in Lok Sabha. These include: Inter-State River Water Disputes (Amendment) Bill, 2019, Repealing and Amending Bill, 2019 and the Companies (Amendment) Bill, 2019.
Note that the current Budget Session has been extended till August 7, 2019.