Lok Sabha took up discussion on the Demand for Grant for Ministry of Railways today. During the discussion, members raised questions on the modernisation of railways, revenue generation, issues with freight volume, and increasing rail connectivity amongst others.
To know more about the proposed expenditure of the Ministry of Railways for the year 2019-20, its finances over the last few years, and issues with the same, you can read our detailed analysis here. You can also watch our short video, simplifying the issues with the Railway sector.
Further, to understand Railways’ finances and challenges to financing, the Railways’ infrastructure, and the current organisational structure of the Railways and the reforms suggested to restructure it, read our analytical report here.
The Minister of Railways will reply to the discussion tomorrow in Lok Sabha.
The discussion on the Union Budget 2019-20 continued in Rajya Sabha today.
Lok Sabha was sitting at the time this report was sent.