Both Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha discussed the Union Budget 2019-20 today. The Finance Minister gave her response to the discussion on the Union Budget in Lok Sabha. The Minister in her response spoke on several issues that have been raised by Members of Parliament on allocation to agriculture, inflation management, FDI policy amongst others.
The New Delhi International Arbitration Centre Bill was discussed and passed in Lok Sabha. The Bill seeks to provide for the establishment of the New Delhi International Arbitration Centre to conduct arbitration, mediation, and conciliation proceedings. It declares the NDIAC as an institution of national importance. The Bill replaces an Ordinance that was promulgated earlier this year. You can read the summary of the Ordinance here.
Later this week, discussion on some Demand for Grants (ministry allocations) will take place in Lok Sabha. You can read detailed analyses of these demands here.
Some key ministries: