Parliament met for its eleventh sitting of the Session today.
The Land Acquisition Bill was passed in Lok Sabha today. During discussion the opposition raised concerns about the exemptions provided to five categories of projects from the consent and social impact assessment provisions in the Act. Members also called for division while voting on several clauses. At the end of the discussion the Minister in his response brought in several amendments to the Bill. A summary of the amendments brought in by the government to the bill can be read here.
Rajya Sabha suffered from repeated disruptions while taking up the Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Bill. A number of opposition members demanded that the Bill be sent to the Select Committee for examination and moved a motion for the same. Members emphasized that scrutiny by the committee must not be dispensed with. To this, the Leader of the House responded that given the nature of urgency, the Bill does not need to go through the Committee stage.
Members insisted that the amendment motion be voted upon first before further discussion on the bill. Referring to Rule 114, it was pointed out that if the motion of amendment is carried the Chairman can put the amendments to the House in a manner he thinks is most convenient. Finally, as per the Chair’s direction the Bill was taken up for discussion on the principles of the Bill.