On November 28, 2012, the Comptroller and Auditor General submitted its report on the implementation of the Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission (JNNURM). According to the report most of the projects initiated under JNNURM have not been completed. For instance with respect to urban infrastructure projects, only 231 projects out of the 1298 sanctioned projects have been completed. Similarly, with respect to housing projects, only 22 of the 1517 projects have been completed. Some of the other key recommendations of the report are:
The need and objectives of JNNURM According to the 2011 census India’s urban population has increased from 286 million in 2001 to 377 million in 2011 . With the increase in urban population, there is a requirement to improve the urban infrastructure and improve the service delivery mechanisms. With these specific objectives in mind, the central government launched the Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission 2005-2006. The aim of the Mission is to encourage reforms and fast track planned development of identified cities (such as cities with a population of more than 1 million as per the 2001 census). JNNURM has two main components namely : (i) Urban Infrastructure and Governance and (ii) Urban Infrastructure Development for Small and Medium Towns. The duration of JNNURM was from 2005-06 to 2011-12. However, as the projects have not been completed the Government has extended its duration until March 2014. Funds for JNNURM The funds for JNNURM are provided through the Additional Central Assistance. This implies that the funds are provided as grants to the states directly from the centre. In the 2012 Union Budget, the central government has allocated Rs 12,522 crore for JNNURM. This represents around 10 % of the total central assistance through the different schemes to states and union territories in 2012-13. As on June 30 2012, 554 projects at a total cost of Rs 62,253 crore have been sanctioned under the Urban Infrastructure and Governance sub-mission of JNNURM. The table below shows the status of the sanctioned JNNURM projects in the different states. State wise status of the projects under JNNURM (as on August 6, 2012)
Name of State | Total Allocation (Rs Lakh) | Number of sanctioned projects | Completed Projects |
Andhra Pradesh | 2,11,845 | 52 | 18 |
Arunachal Pradesh | 10,740 | 3 | NA |
Assam | 27,320 | 2 | NA |
Bihar | 59,241 | 8 | NA |
Chandigarh | 27,087 | 3 | NA |
Chattisgarh | 24,803 | 1 | NA |
Delhi | 2,82,318 | 23 | 4 |
Goa | 12,094 | 2 | NA |
Gujarat | 2,57,881 | 72 | 40 |
Haryana | 32,332 | 4 | NA |
Himachal Pradesh | 13,066 | 5 | NA |
Jammu & Kashmir | 48,836 | 5 | NA |
Jharkhand | 94,120 | 5 | NA |
Karnataka | 1,52,459 | 47 | 22 |
Kerala | 67,476 | 11 | NA |
Madhya Pradesh | 1,32,850 | 23 | 7 |
Maharashtra | 5,50,555 | 80 | 21 |
Manipur | 15,287 | 3 | NA |
Meghalaya | 15,668 | 2 | NA |
Mizoram | 14,822 | 4 | NA |
Nagaland | 11,628 | 3 | NA |
Orissa | 32,235 | 5 | NA |
Punjab | 70,775 | 6 | 1 |
Puducherry | 20,680 | 2 | NA |
Rajasthan | 74,869 | 13 | 2 |
Sikkim | 10,613 | 2 | NA |
Tamil Nadu | 2,25,066 | 48 | 12 |
Tripura | 14,018 | 2 | NA |
Uttar Pradesh | 2,76,941 | 33 | 4 |
Uttarakhand | 40,534 | 14 | NA |
West Bengal | 3,21,840 | 69 | 15 |
Source: Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission; PRS.
In the late 1960s and 70s, defections (elected legislators changing parties after the election) in Parliament and State Legislatures became very frequent, so frequent in fact, that the epithet "Aaya Ram Gaya Ram" was coined to describe the same. To curb this problem which created instability in our legislatures, Parliament amended the Constitution. They inserted the Tenth Schedule to the Constitution "to curb the evil of political defections". As a result, we currently have an anti-defection law with the following features: 1. If an MP/MLA who belongs to a political party voluntarily resigns from his party or, disobeys the party "whip" (a direction given by the party to all MPs/ MLAs to vote in a certain manner), he is disqualified. The party may however condone the MP/ MLA within 15 days. 2. An independent MP/ MLA cannot join a political party after the election. 3. An MP/ MLA who is nominated (to the Rajya Sabha or upper houses in state legislatures) can only join a party within 6 months of his election. 4. Mergers of well-defined groups of individuals or political parties are exempted from disqualification if certain conditions are met. 5. The decision to disqualify is taken by the Speaker/ Chairman of the House. The table below summarizes provisions of anti-defection law in some other countries. (For more, click here). As one may note, a number of developed countries do not have any law to regulate defection.
Regulation of defection in some countries |
Country | Experi-ence | Law on defection | The Law on Defection |
Bangladesh | Yes | Yes | The Constitution says a member shall vacate his seat if he resigns from or votes against the directions given by his party. The dispute is referred by the Speaker to the Election Commission. |
Kenya | Yes | Yes | The Constitution states that a member who resigns from his party has to vacate his seat. The decision is by the Speaker, and the member may appeal to the High Court. |
Singapore | Yes | Yes | Constitution says a member must vacate his seat if he resigns, or is expelled from his party. Article 48 states that Parliament decides on any question relating to the disqualification of a member. |
South Africa | Yes | Yes | The Constitution provides that a member loses membership of the Parliament if he ceases to be a member of the party that nominated him. |
Australia | Yes | No | |
Canada | Yes | No | |
France | Yes | No | |
Germany | Yes | No | |
Malaysia | Yes | No | |
United Kingdom | Yes | No |