The budget session of Parliament was held from January 31, 2020 to March 23, 2020, with a recess from February 12 to March 1, 2020. The session was scheduled to have 31 sittings and end on April 3, 2020. However, considering the public health emergency situation due to the Coronavirus outbreak Parliament adjourned sine die on March 23, 2020 having sat for a total of 23 days.
Lok Sabha worked for 86% and Rajya Sabha worked for 74% of the scheduled time |
Lok Sabha spent 39% of the time discussing budget |
Lok Sabha discussed 17% of the expenditure by ministries for 22 hours |
Note: Percentage of demands discussed has been calculated from 2016-17 when the Railway Budget was subsumed in the General Budget. |
Question hour functioned for 64% of time in Lok Sabha; 43% in Rajya Sabha |
This is the longest period in Lok Sabha without a Deputy Speaker |
Note: Scheduled time has been calculated as per 23 sittings held from January 31, 2020 till March 23, 2020.
Sources: Bulletins of Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha as on March 23, 2020; Statistical Handbook, Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs, 2019; PRS.
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