Functioning of the 15th Punjab Assembly
Elections for the 16th Punjab Assembly will be held on February 20, 2022. The 15th Assembly held its sessions between March 2017 and November 2021. This note analyses the working of the 15th Punjab Assembly up to November 11, 2021. Due to unavailability of data (except for sitting days), this note does not cover the first and the second session of 2017.
The Assembly met for 14 days a year on average |
On average, Assembly functioned for 71% of the scheduled time on the days it met |
All 117 Bills were passed on the same day they were introduced |
Certain key legislative changes in response to COVID brought through Ordinances |
During six sessions, no starred questions were taken up |
Sources: Punjab Assembly website, Assembly Bulletins and Rules of Procedure. The bulletins for first and second sessions of 2017, and the third session of 2018 were not available on the Assembly website; PRS. |
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